Advisory Board
Sally Faulkner is 1933 Professor of Spanish at the University of Cambridge, and was previously Professor of Hispanic Studies and Film at the University of Exeter (U.K.). She has published widely on Spanish cinema and TV, Portuguese film, and Film Studies. She is the author of Literary Adaptations in Spanish Cinema (Támesis-Boydell & Brewer, 2004, Spanish translation Iberoamericana-Vervuert, 2023), A Cinema of Contradiction: Spanish Film in the 1960s (Edinburgh UP, 2006; expanded Spanish version, Iberoamericana-Vervuert, 2022) and A History of Spanish Film: Cinema and Society 1910-2010(Bloomsbury Academic 2013; Spanish translation Iberoamericana-Vervuert, 2017), studies that have framed this national cinema within questions of aesthetics and intermediality, politics and dissent, and social mobility and the middlebrow. Her latest monograph, The Cinema of Cecilia Bartolomé: Feminism and Francoism, is forthcoming with Manchester UP in 2024. She is Principal Investigator of the international research project ‘Invisibles e insumisas / Invisíveis e insubmissas: Leading Women in Portuguese and Spanish Cinema and Television, 1970-1980,’ funded by the British government through an Arts and Humanities Research Council grant, with Nuria Triana Toribio (University of Kent, U.K.) and Hilary Owen (University of Oxford, U.K.).