Articles Reviews

#MultilingualMedHums: A Thematic Series for The Polyphony

By Dr Jordan McCullough, Associate Editor at The Polyphony and Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of St Gallen, Switzerland

Established in 2023, The Polyphony’s ‘Multilingual MedHums’ series seeks to challenge ‘the Anglocentric nature of much medical humanities scholarship by showcasing the work of scholars based in and working on non-anglophone countries.’[1] The series encourages readers and contributors to engage with the rich entanglement of language and culture, as the media through which health and illness are lived and communicated, and to reflect on the significance of this intersection for their own research agendas and those of the wider field. Following the recent trajectory of other multilingual scholarship in the field, calling us in the direction of a global Medical Humanities,[2] the series seeks to push beyond the boundaries of the Anglosphere; introduce new research trajectories developing across the world; and demonstrate the value of multilingual and translational approaches for the future of the Medical Humanities. The ‘Multilingual MedHums’ series thus resonates with the ‘Reading Bodies’ project on multiple levels.

Events News

Reading Bodies Workshop 2 – University of Exeter – 23 May 2024

The second academic workshop for this project will be held at the University of Exeter on 23 May 2024. All are welcome to attend – please reserve your place here. For more information about the programme, visit our events page.

News Reviews

Bibliotherapy with Exeter City of Literature

On the benefits of reading for wellbeing and bibliotherapy in the community, take a look at Exeter City of Literature’s Bibliotherapy Skills programme. Their website includes a literature review on bibliotherapy produced by the Wellcome Centre for Cultures and Environments of Health.


Reading Bodies Research Network

The Reading Bodies Research Network has met regularly since November 2023 to discuss our project research questions, updates on our chosen topics, and development of shared interests which are grouped into 3 themes: gender and the body; society, illness and representation; transnational and decolonial perspectives. For more information, please visit our Network and People pages.

Events News

Reading Bodies Workshop at the ILCS – 26 April 2024

The first academic workshop for this project will be held at the Institute of Languages, Cultures and Societies in Senate House, London on 26 April 2024. Registration is free and all are welcome to attend. For more information and a link to reserve your place, please visit our events page.

Articles News

‘Reading Bodies in European Literatures and Cultures’ – published in The Polyphony

By Katharine Murphy, Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies and Comparative Literature, University of Exeter, and AHRC Principal Investigator for the ‘Reading Bodies’ project.

Prof. Katharine Murphy has published an invited piece on ‘Reading Bodies in European Literatures and Cultures’ in the Multilingual Medical Humanities series of The Polyphony, hosted by the Institute for Medical Humanities, Durham University.


Making and Remaking the History of Medicine with European Languages and Literature

By Dr Kit Yee Wong, Postdoctoral Researcher in French Studies

How do European languages and literature intersect with the modern human body and identity? Can literature help us re-think the classification of bodies into social and racial categories? Surveying the history of medicine in Europe from the nineteenth century will assist with these questions.

The mid-1800s was the start of the ‘golden age’ of clinical medicine across Western Europe, when medical sciences became professionalised. Disciplines were created in new medical institutions, such as physiology, pathology, gynaecology, and anthropology, to name a few. People were measured and categorised on a grand scale.


The ‘Sick Girl’ Film and Italian Teen Female Audiences

By Danielle Hipkins, Professor of Italian Studies and Film, University of Exeter

Drawing connections with the AHRC-funded project A Girl’s Eye View 2021-2024, Prof. Danielle Hipkins reflects on audience responses to the genre of the ‘sick girl’ film.

The romantic film depends on the obstacle. Otherwise, what happens? Two people meet, fall in love, and live happily ever after. That is the outcome we want, but it’s not the story we want. It’s far too short, and likely boring.

Serious, terminal even, illness presents a narratively rich obstacle, and the canon of romantic films is strewn with lovers lost, slowly and painfully, or sometimes recovered through the sheer power of love alone. There are variations in outcome, and also in the distribution of illness: maybe he’s ill, maybe she’s ill, maybe they’re both ill. Sometimes they both survive, but usually it’s just one of them.


Stress and Resilience: A Psychologist’s Perspective

By Dr Kayleigh Darch, Clinical Psychologist, Yoga Teacher, Founder of Body and Mind Therapy, and Project Partner for Reading Bodies

Responding to our project strand on burnout, stress and resilience, this article reflects on two of these terms from a psychologically-informed perspective, and explores the powerful connections between mind and body.

In this short article, I would like to offer you some observations and reflections on how we understand stress and what contributes to our individual resilience. This is drawn from my experiences working as a Clinical Psychologist supporting people who are struggling with their mental health and my roles in supporting the teams who care for others. It also stems from my personal practice, ongoing learning and work as a Yoga Teacher. My two worlds of psychology and yoga are drawn together continually in my holistic approaches to supporting the body and the mind simultaneously. I hope that there is something helpful or interesting for you in this article.


Pathological Memories: Reading Degeneration and Death in ‘Cuervo’ (1892)

By Isabel Cawthorn, PhD candidate in Hispanic Studies, University of Birmingham

Leopoldo Alas (‘Clarín’) is most prominently known as the author of La Regenta, which was published in two volumes in 1884 and 1885 and is now well ensconced in classic Spanish literature. However, aside from this realist novel, he also published hundreds of experimental short stories, of which ‘Cuervo’ was one, first appearing in the newspaper, La Justicia, in 1888. Clarín begins his short story, ‘Cuervo’, with the following lines: ‘El paisaje que se contempla desde la torre de la colegiata no tiene más defecto que el de parecer amanerado y casi casi de abanico. El pueblo, por dentro, es también risueño, y como está tan blanco, parece limpio’.[1] [‘The landscape that can be seen from the collegiate church has no other defect than appearing slightly affected and almost fan-like. The village itself is also pleasant, and because it is so white, it appears clean’.][2] The quotation foregrounds the importance of the concepts of cleanliness and ‘defect’ in relation to people and places. Specific to this story is how sanitation and disease are used to pathologise the past, making ‘Cuervo’ an interesting example of how, in late nineteenth-century Spain, pathology and illness were given a temporal significance.